Thursday 29 March 2012


ha..ha..dah lama ak x update blog. Kadang2 ak rasa ak lost...n kadang2 ak berada di landasan yg betul. Skang ak mahu sibukkan diri ak ngan commitment. ak apply tuk rakan exco mpp utp and ak accept secretary position tuk anc department. ak jugak apply tuk facilitator mas. Bukan apa, sejak ak masuk utp. ak rasa ak bukan diri ak yang asal. Kredibiliti ak makin pudar and self esteem pun kurang..Masa sekolah dulu i'm used to be leader and busy with other commitment. but i'm happy and i can manage them well besides my result also good.However, this is slowly disappear from my life..So, that the reason i join them. Perharps it can help me to find myself back..